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Essex SEND Inspection

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Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly an inspection of the SEND services in Essex from Monday 30 September 2019 to Friday 4 October 2019. The inspection will evaluate how effectively the local area:

  • Identifies the needs of children and young people with SEND
  • Meets the needs of these children and young people so that their outcomes and chances of participating fully in society improve.

During the inspection, Ofsted and CQC inspectors are keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible. There are several ways in which views can be contributed:

1. The inspection will include an online recorded webinar to allow Essex’s parents and carers of children with SEND to contribute. The webinar will take place from noon on Monday 23 September until 11:59pm on Tuesday 1 October.

Parents and carers who would like to take part in this webinar can follow this internet link to register:

2. Parents and carers can email their contributions to

3. Attend one of the Open Parent meetings taking place in at Colchester Stadium and South Bishops Hill Adult Community Learning on Tuesday 1 October between 1pm -2pm.

Full information can be found on the on our Facebook page.

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