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New Year’s Resolutions – To Make Them Work You Need A Plan

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  • New Year’s Resolutions – To Make Them Work You Need A Plan
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Traditionally New Year is the time when we all resolve to lose weight, be more active, give up smoking and reduce our alcohol consumption. Many people are already thinking that after the holiday period they will make changes to their lifestyle. But change is hard.

Since April 2016 a new service – The Essex Lifestyle Service – has been available for all Essex residents. It can help people to make changes that will enable them to live longer, healthier lives. The Essex Lifestyle Team’s advice is that your New Year’s resolutions are more likely to succeed if you make a plan and get help and support.

The service can help with:

  • Stopping smoking
  • Healthy eating
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Long term conditions
  • Emotional issues such as stress, depression and loneliness

Ellen Van Gemmert, Health Development Manager at Provide said :

“If you are aiming to lose weight, become more active, or want to give up smoking or reduce your alcohol consumption, then you are far more likely to succeed with our help. A member of our team will work with you to develop a plan and can offer support, motivation and, in some cases, medication.  We can also help people who are experiencing loneliness, depression or isolation. These issues can affect not only a person’s mental and emotional well-being but also their physical health. I would urge people to get in contact with our service sooner rather than later. Change is hard but we can help you make lasting changes to your lifestyle.”

Take the first step and contact us.


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